Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pointless Studying Procrastination

Stuff that's cool:

  • Pretty interface. Like, it looks incredibly slick. No wonder why they used something similar for the PS3.
  • African huge screen for a portable system. 480x272 resolution is nothing short of impressive.
  • The browser. I can even check my email. And it does WPA...cough DS cough...
  • Sound. Expected nothing less of CD quality; but coming from a DS, there sure is a big difference.
  • DJ Max. It's awesome.
  • DJ Max looks so sweet. It would be almost impossible to port it to the DS.
  • DJ Max is crazy.
  • Did I mention DJ Max?

Stuff that's bleh:
  • Maybe preference, but I don't quite like the cellphone-style of keyboard entry yet.
  • Wireless B only? Oh well.
  • Video playback requires conversion. Guess it's the same situation for my DS.
  • It's bigger than my calculator.
  • The browser supports flash, but it's an old version...so no Youtube on the go. Meh.
  • With a UMD loaded, it drains the battery like a vampire.
  • The square button is awfully close to the screen. I keep leaving fingerprints on it when mashing away on DJ Max.
  • The circle button feels weird...kinda clicks when it's not pressed directly down the middle.
  • Whoever decided to place that analog pad that low deserves to be shot. Or has hands the size of a baby...and still deserves to be shot.
  • Ditto the L and R buttons. And the rest of the buttons. Maybe I need a grip attachment.

Guess I can't go wrong with $160. Came with a 2GB Sandisk memory stick. Also got GTA: Liberty City Stories, as well as The Matrix and 8 Mile movies...not that I'd watch them on this though.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You never told me you got a psp!!!