through all the stress of upcoming assignments and preparing for midterms, i needed a break. People playing Initial D on their PSPs and Stepmania on their laptops was good enough to keep me awake through lectures. And I thought everyone (except me) were all studious hardworking learners. It's nice to know that there are others who are as lazy as me.
Back on the break bike lock rusted out on me right before my mock midterm exam yesterday, with half the key inside. Thankfully, the exam room wasn't far. Today, Pastor Tim came over with a giant bolt-cutter to cut the lock. Hopefully I can get a more durable lock soon...or maybe a new bike as well. My rear wheel is sure bruxxed. XD
As I was leaving for class today, I realized the wind was really picking up. Not only that, it was SNOWING. omigooooshh...the first thing that came to mind was my sister dancing around like a maniac. Sigh...... -_-
I had a random nerd moment today after my last lecture. God is infinite; I'm the inverse of infinity.
I am close to nothing compared to God, but I'm still something in God's eyes no matter how small I seem to be.
GOD = infinity
ME = 1/infinity = approaches zero (limits! yarrr)
therefore, ME > 0, meaning that I'm something in God's eyes
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Scribbled by
10/12/2006 04:50:00 PM
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aahaha...DDR kids unite!
did you just say "bruxxed"?! i think you're hanging around nevin and them too much...hahaha
im not terribly fond of the weather right now..because it changes so was soooo cold yesterday..i was freezing with my coat on.
mm...interesting.. :)
"omigooooshh...the first thing that came to mind was my sister dancing around like a maniac. Sigh...... -_-"
Dude. Why the face? u should be GRINNING (like me when i saw the snow! wheeee!) hahahah and you were almost right tho. Too bad I was in class while it started snowing, so I couldn't get out of my chair to do my "little" dance, tho after class, I couldn't help but jump around at least a little bit. if i did any more, i think my classmates would've pounded me. my look of awe out the window already lost me one friend hahaha (seriously - she was like, "joanna, i don't think i like you anymore..." lol)
yay for tannisms - i remember the first time i used bruxxed in one of my posts in first year -- obviously to describe the state of my computer -- and elicited a comment from none other than nevin... lol :)
ahahaha. i thought of jo too, oddly. i was at school when it snowed and i was looking out the window thinking, "wow, it's snowing, jo must be really happy XD." she's been predicting it for a while now.
limits! positive infinity! negative infinity! wheeeee~~~ *mind goes crazy*
i failed my first calc test by one mark~~~~ wheeeeeeeee T__T
if i hadn't made the two stupid mistakes i had, i would've gotten 52%. instead of 48.
ddr. i miss that. i still have your pad. hahaha... ... .. . .. .... . . .
concentrate on school! stop watching the ddr and id kids! *pokes your head*
Wow, you guy having peoples stepmania and ddr? mine only world warcraft and warcraft three expansion. I try not watch them, but sometime is distract.
If limit # / infinity = 0, then universe = 0 and all existence = 0. Time = 0, space = 0, matter = 0, anti-matter = 0, ikea = 0, george bush = 0, and worst of all... hot chocolate = 0!
Me not like Tim Horton hot chocolate. Too hot or cold, no between there.
Bike lock rust suck. Need lock metal not oxidize. Iron bad. Makes iron oxide, tastes stale. Perhaps snow might bike more fun. And hard.
Midterm evil. Final worse.
there's no such thing as 'hanging around nevin and them too much'. he's one of us now. ohhh yeaaaa...
that's bad... *nods*
ooh yeah. i've been "tanified". /me
at least i'm not completely assimilated. i still have my limits on late-night cs. but they're deteriorating...
whenever you use the word 'assimilated', you're asking for a 'resistance is futile'.
HAHAHAHAHa... *tearing* oh my...
hi jonw
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