quote of the time period: "Why are you wearing bare feet?" -joanna
the beginning of the term felt like yesterday...time sure flies whether you're having a good time or not.
I'm probably going to miss this environment with nevin and kenneth. i'm probably going to become completely antisocial at the res since i don't really know anybody... =/ ahh well, hope all goes well next term.
meanwhile, i've been bumming around at the apartment by myself, and boy is it quiet. no nay's or u's anymore, but at least they're there while playing cs XD
arghh, i have to pack tomorrow...i mean, today. I'll probably stuff everything into a corner of the room until i move to the new res for next term.
anyway, i really better sleep. I haven't been up this early since..the lan party a couple years back? hahah...
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
i'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~
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12/20/2006 03:22:00 AM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
strange happenings
First of all, some funny things i've heard in the past few weeks...
Linear algebra prof:
"Diagonalization is like making muffins."
(pastor tim replied with: "u making muffins? i'd like to try a diagonalize muffin. will a square muffin fit in my round mouth? just use a bigger hammer to get it in?")
"Vector projection is like Humpty Dumpty....you can't put it back together again."
"It's like the Goldilocks of vectors..not too big, not too small, but just right."
*Me, standing beside some guy playing stepmania on his laptop. Both this girl and I are tapping our fingers.*
Her: "We're such dorks!!"
Me: "Oh yeah...we're total geeks. =)"
Okay, onto midterms. I apparently barely passed ECE and calc; chem was okay with a 77. Linear algebra was pretty high, as expected. 90!! XD /me
Then here's the kicker....Physics, considered to be the hardest midterm in 1st year, I managed guess a few multiple choice questions that i didn't know, and got 100 after a bell curve. YAAA!!!! I thought i'd fail...but i seriously need to work on stuff and actually understand the material. Marks probably won't mean anything in the working world.
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11/01/2006 11:48:00 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
through all the stress of upcoming assignments and preparing for midterms, i needed a break. People playing Initial D on their PSPs and Stepmania on their laptops was good enough to keep me awake through lectures. And I thought everyone (except me) were all studious hardworking learners. It's nice to know that there are others who are as lazy as me.
Back on the break topic...my bike lock rusted out on me right before my mock midterm exam yesterday, with half the key inside. Thankfully, the exam room wasn't far. Today, Pastor Tim came over with a giant bolt-cutter to cut the lock. Hopefully I can get a more durable lock soon...or maybe a new bike as well. My rear wheel is sure bruxxed. XD
As I was leaving for class today, I realized the wind was really picking up. Not only that, it was SNOWING. omigooooshh...the first thing that came to mind was my sister dancing around like a maniac. Sigh...... -_-
I had a random nerd moment today after my last lecture. God is infinite; I'm the inverse of infinity.
I am close to nothing compared to God, but I'm still something in God's eyes no matter how small I seem to be.
GOD = infinity
ME = 1/infinity = approaches zero (limits! yarrr)
therefore, ME > 0, meaning that I'm something in God's eyes
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10/12/2006 04:50:00 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
on saturday, kenneth decided to make seagram pie for the potluck. unfortunately, it took a very long time; and we wasted a lot of time playing Ninja Turtles III on the oldschool Nintendo. by then, we had an hour before the potluck started. It took us more than 3 hours to make the pie. But boy, was it good. Kenneth opened the lid while we were in Mike's car...ooooh man...it was killer.
That night (while dreaming of counterstrike), i felt a terrific pain in my lower chest area, as if i've been stabbed. I thought it was just part of the dream, but as I tried to fall back asleep, the pain grew worse. It got to the point where I thought i was going to die or something, so i prayed those typical God-i'm-helpless-out-here-please-help-me prayers in all honesty.
on a lighter note, i also got up and searched "heartburn" on wikipedia, convinced that i had it. I drank some water (stupid disconnected water filter), and went back to sleep. Then I woke up late the next morning, and the church bus was coming in ten minutes.
Now here i am, slowly (and painfully) making the transition to university life. hopefully you'll learn not to be lazy like me, and not to eat Seagram pie without drinking gallons of water afterwards. although that not have been the cause.
but that pie was sooooo good....*drools*
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9/25/2006 10:09:00 PM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
nerding out
nerding out (nûrd-ĭng-out)
slang term
1) The act of transforming oneself into a nerd.
2) Studying vigourously until the death.
3) Doing calculus as a pastime. (Note: equivalent to solving word/numerical/geometrical puzzles)
Term coined by Uncle Johnny Lim
Unfortunately, I learned that it isn't as easy and fun as it sounds. It takes so much time, patience, brainpower, and dedication to do it. I just came back from my Physics help session, and I've learned that I really need good algeo and calc skills to do physics. No, not just plugging in numbers into equations anymore.
I think the Secondary School system should seriously revise the curriculum. I can't believe how unprepared people can be (myself included) for university, especially "brand name" ones like Waterloo.
I really shouldn't be surprised from this educational ambush, especially when I've been told millions of times that 1) university is very quick-paced with less time, and 2) engineering is a very heavy field of study. Unfortunately, even after many reminders, I wasn't ready for the rush. Oh well, I'll learn by nerding out more. Thanks Uncle Johnny!! I feel honoured to be a Waterloo student now. =)
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9/20/2006 10:14:00 PM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
UW Catacombs
okay, not really. but tunnel systems - especially the large networked ones - seem quite cool. I think i'll be having a blast just finding all the locked and sealed entrances. Wow, i have no life =)
Today at church, Erica did some cool chords for Forever. I wasn't surprised that she would do something like that, but i was astonished at the sheer sound of it and how well it fit the melody. The instrumentation was pretty l33t...baby grand piano, bass and regular guitar, drum kit, and violin. I tried writing down the chords, but i couldn't remember what it sounded like after the other songs. After service, I just looked at the chord sheets they had on the stands =P
Now i'm feeling pretty darn tired, and I don't think I'll survive another week of stress now. Bleh.
EDIT: Turns out after the math test, i do need extra help. I couldn't pass that test even if i tried (which i did). ahh well....i need that help anyway. =)
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9/17/2006 10:54:00 PM
Thursday, September 14, 2006
yesterday, while i was at my sis' place upstairs, we had some strange misunderstandings...
Jo: "Do you know how tall he is?"
I heard: "Do you know who Polly is?"
Then we couldn't stop laughing. Boy, my abs really got a workout. Maybe i'll be getting a 6-pack soon. Ahh, the infomercial possibilities....
"Proven to produce better results than the Abtronic! The Laughing Ab Workout package contains three Russel Peters comedy DVDs and a year subscription to the Daily Joke service. If you order within the next ten minutes, we will send you a FREE two-month supply of laughing gas (not recommended for automobiles). That's right, all of this for just 10 easy payments of $499.99! Call NOW! The lines are waiting!"
Anyway, I better finish my lunch and head off to class now.
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9/14/2006 11:58:00 AM
Monday, September 11, 2006
the average 1st year undergoes the "frosh 15 ", where your weight increases by 15 pounds. hey, I'm cool with that, since i'm not much of a weight watcher (yay high metabolism!). I'd really like to see if my weight fluctuates by even six pounds. Now, i wonder if i could model my weight in a normal distribution with some standard deviation...hopefully not too high. stats...ick.
school is all about balance. you can't study all the time; you still have to maintain the rest of your regular activities like eating, sleeping, relaxing, socializing (people-ing for some), and stuff. Ing. Or whatever. Hopefully, the balance board doesn't tip all the way over to the other side, which i have a knack of doing. stupid me.
I think i finally realize what they mean by "twice the workload of high school". Classes/lectures are only 50 minutes, and the professors cram in a heck of a lot more material. I wonder how long i'll hold up to this before i crack.
oh crap...i have a math proficiency test tomorrow. I haven't reviewed anything!! arghh!!! *desperately tries to remember high school calculus*
wait, if i fail...then i can get extra help. great!! I love win-win situations. XD
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9/11/2006 11:26:00 PM
the "real" beginning
"Yup...that line you crossed there wasn't actually the end of the long, 12-km hike up the mountain. There's actually another 5 kilometres more at twice the incline, then a vertical wall that's covered in mist and fog. Where that will lead you, somebody out there knows. Just strive for the top and don't fall back down the hill." - The Bored Mind
I guess I sorta need some mind dump area again. I kinda miss using a space/blog. No tutorials this week! Sweet...I get to sleep in tomorow!! =D
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9/11/2006 12:20:00 AM