I've finished about half of my midterms, and I've already switched to relax mode. Ahh well.
This morning, I realized that I was missing a palm pilot. Couldn't find it anywhere; I must have dropped it sometime before or after the physics exam last night. Hopefully, the person who picked it up bothered to check my phone number on the contact list. But meanwhile, there goes my planner T_T
Today, with only one class to attend, I decided to bus over near Conestoga Mall to buy DDR Max and some extras. And here it is! ^^
Ahh...feels nice to own a legal import game. And it only cost about $19! WINNER!!
Anyway, random Youtube video! Or at least an interesting one..there are 5 parts, so yeah. Kinda liked it. A little predictable, but a powerful message.
EDIT: That vid would make the best valentine's day video. Be sure to watch it!!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
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2/08/2007 05:25:00 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
First laundry experience didn't really go well. Either the washing machine didn't fling the clothes dry, or the dryer didn't work. Or both. But whatever it was, I ended up lugging around a bag full of clothes and water.
Thankfully, I could hang clothes around in my room to air dry. Or even in front of the heater, where I made a little grill. Mmm...toasty socks...XD
This morning, I woke up late for the bus to church. I had about 10 minutes to run all the way from Village 1 to UWP, about 2/3 across the campus. So, with Bible and french vanilla in hand, I departed on my first morning run. Being sore from playing DDR last night didn't exactly help either.
I made it to the stop with about two minutes to spare, at which time I enjoyed my nice somewhat-fresh caffeine serving for the day. Oh yeah, that was real good. =)After I got home from church, I noticed some ice on my window. On the inside. Window was frozen, and there was a pool of water on the windowsill. Nice.
Kay, back to studying.
EDIT: forgot to add....I met my calc TA at church today. lol
ta: "I didn't see you at the tutorial last week!"
me: "...um...yeah."
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2/04/2007 12:38:00 PM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
ahh, nice to wake up to a saturday morning...err, afternoon
I slept in till about 12 today. Boy, was I tired. Yesterday, I had the most terrible midterm ever. Our prof said that the exam was easy. It was (somewhat), but he didn't tell us that he wasn't going to include the equation sheet. Sneaky sneaky...-___- So, it was as if I didn't study for this exam at all. I'm sure I won't hear the end of it from my prof on monday.
Speaking of monday, I have a calc midterm on that day, and some more afterwards. And reading week in two weeks!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~
Ahh yes..the joys of using a laptop/tablet. Now I can write my notes (probably not going to happen), or just replace the many sheets of paper used for studying and reviewing. I can even play Linerider and even doodle. Thanks to my bro who lent me his laptop for university.
Okay, time to go eat lunch, possibly learn how to do laundry (yes, it's sad lol), and relax!! err, i mean study..
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2/03/2007 12:04:00 PM