Kenneth's going to sell it soon. Soo, while i had the chance.....
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
strange happenings
First of all, some funny things i've heard in the past few weeks...
Linear algebra prof:
"Diagonalization is like making muffins."
(pastor tim replied with: "u making muffins? i'd like to try a diagonalize muffin. will a square muffin fit in my round mouth? just use a bigger hammer to get it in?")
"Vector projection is like Humpty can't put it back together again."
"It's like the Goldilocks of vectors..not too big, not too small, but just right."
*Me, standing beside some guy playing stepmania on his laptop. Both this girl and I are tapping our fingers.*
Her: "We're such dorks!!"
Me: "Oh yeah...we're total geeks. =)"
Okay, onto midterms. I apparently barely passed ECE and calc; chem was okay with a 77. Linear algebra was pretty high, as expected. 90!! XD /me
Then here's the kicker....Physics, considered to be the hardest midterm in 1st year, I managed guess a few multiple choice questions that i didn't know, and got 100 after a bell curve. YAAA!!!! I thought i'd fail...but i seriously need to work on stuff and actually understand the material. Marks probably won't mean anything in the working world.
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11/01/2006 11:48:00 PM